How to create a Free Magic Eden Sales Bot for your Discord

Hello friends,

Today is a very special day as we decided to share one of our products and give everyone the opportunity to run a Magic Eden sales bot on their own Discord server for free.

You can see this tutorial as a way to get access to the lite version of our Magic Eden Sales Bot, which is a paid product we are offering as part of the range of products and services we developed to make Web3 more mainstream.

And so without further ado, let’s get into it.


There are three things that you absolutely need to proceed with this tutorial.

  • The collection you’re interested in needs to be available on Magic Eden
  • A free account with
  • Being an admin on the Discord server you want the sales to be posted in

If you are wondering, (Previously known as Integromat) is a workflow/automation tool. Think of it as Zapier, except better (And also cheaper if you wish to use their paid plans). Zapier, if you read this, implement version history, drag-and-drop steps and passive payload listening for your webhooks and then you’ll be able to compete for the top spot in the category.

Once you have created your account and made sure the collection you are interested in tracking is available on Magic Eden, we can jump into the next step.

Creating a scenario in

Once you are done with setting up your Make account, you will need to find the “Scenarios” tab on the left-side of your screen. That will bring up a list of all of your existing scenarios available within your account. Here is how my account looks like, however yours is probably empty, so let’s create our first scenario, shall we ๐Ÿ™‚ ?

Simply find the “+ Create a new scenario” button at the top-right corner of your screen to enter the workflow builder of .

Find the “More” button at the bottom of the interface followed by the “Import Blueprint” directive as shown in the screenshot below.

Clicking on the “Import Blueprint” button will open a file upload button. expects a .json file here that contains the template of a workflow.

There are two ways you can acquire this JSON file. The first one is to simply right-click here and click on “Save as”. This will save the JSON file hosted on our server to your computer. If you wish to look at the file before downloading it, we also hosted it on Github as a gist.

Once you have the JSON file on your computer, you can finally import it through the button mentioned above. Upon completion of the upload process, you will be greeted by this interface.

The first thing we want to examine here is the “HTTP – Make a request” step which is the first one starting on the left. Clicking on it will bring up its options menu.

The two things we are interested in changing here are the symbol value and the apiToken value that you can see in the Query String drop-down.

The symbol value needs to be the name of the collection you’re interested in tracking in Magic Eden. For instance, the Decentraliens collection created by Invisible College, the Web3 university, is named “decentraliens” in their Magic Eden URL. For Okay Bears, that would be “okay_bears“.

Then, we need to set a value for the apiToken variable. Here you should try to create a unique identifier that can be as long as you want it to be. It could be your Twitter handle, a unique series of numbers and letters, as long as it has little chances of being used by someone else. In the future, I will make an apiToken generator and will edit this part of the tutorial so anyone can generate a free access token with no risk of choosing something that has already been taken.

Once these two values have been set, just click on the OK button at the bottom of the options menu for this module.

We can now jump onto the Discord module at the end of the workflow. This is how it should look like:

For this part, we are going to need to edit a few things.

The first thing we want to do is to add a connection to the Discord server where we want the sales to be posted.

In order to do that, we want a channel to have already been created where the sales will be posted. It can be a private or a public channel, as long as the admin creating the sales bot has access to it.

Connecting to Discord and customising the bot

Then, you are going to want to click on the “Add” button at the top of the Discord module in This will open a pop-up asking you to connect to your Discord account, select a server and a channel where you will want the bot to post the sales messages.

Once this is done, we can go back to the Discord module in and make the final adjustments. The only thing you might want to change here is the “Content” of the message posted on Discord. By default, I wrote that the Discord bot will write “A new token has been sold!” but you can edit it to be whatever you want. The admins at Invisible College edited it to say “A new Decentralien has been sold!” so it’s really up to you.

We’re almost done setting up the bot, don’t worry!

Now, we need to go into Discord and customise the name of the bot and maybe change its logo if you so desire. In order to do that, head over to your Discord server and scroll down your list of users until you find the Integromat bot in the list of bots present within your community.

Once you found it, right-click on its name and click on “Manage Integration” as shown in the screenshot below.

Once you have clicked on the “Manage Integration” button, scroll down to find the list of channels the bot has access to. Simply expand the menu to see how the bot is going to be displayed for your users. By default, the name of the bot will be Integromat and the icon will be the old Integromat logo. From there you can change both of these values to ones of your liking and hit the “Save changes” button at the bottom of your Discord screen.

Setting up how many times the bot will check for new transactions

This is the last step before you can finally roll out the bot to your users. We now need to choose how often we want the bot to check for new sales.

In order to do that, we need to get back to the workflow interface on The setting for this is located at the bottom-left corner of the workflow.

Click on the “Every 15 minutes” that is the default setting and from then on you can set it up to check however many times you wish.

Considering we want this bot to be completely free, my suggestion is to change this value to “Every 60 minutes“. The reason for that is that a free plan is limited to 1000 operations per month. Running this workflow every 15 minutes would consume almost 3000 operations per month with zero sales. By decreasing this amount to once every 60 minutes, we ensure you keep some breathing room and will be able to report up to around 250 sales per month. Above that, you will either need to only check for sales every other hour or upgrade your plan for a paid one to unlock 10 000 operations/month, which is what I am personally using.

Once you’re done setting your timer, you can simply save your workflow and turn it on by clicking on the On/Off switch next to the timer :).

When you turn the workflow on for the first time, it will post some messages to your Discord of the last transactions the bot found during its initialisation phase. It might be a few tokens, but it’s nothing to worry about. From then on it will only post new transactions :).


And that’s it! I’ve had to write a lot of text but the setup is actually pretty straight-forward in my opinion.

If you need help with the setup or would like us to take care of the hosting, we offer an improved version of this bot as part of our products packages. Our paid bot is able to check for multiple collections at more regular intervals as well as being able to check for the token properties and its rarity. We’re also offering bots that track new listings so that you can snipe tokens from any collections effectively. We also have bots for OpenSea collections and are open to develop sales bots for any marketplace you can think of.

If that’s something that might be of interest to you and your community, please contact us by DM on Twitter @2a3 and we will get back to you to understand your project :).

If you have any more questions about this article or our projects, feel free to reach out on Twitter or simply drop a comment below :).